In The News

“Where Every Current Inspires.”

“I value the 'doing' as my former co-ed school had the majority of girls watching others on the stages, fields, and front rows of the classroom. At St. Margaret's, it is an incredible Sisterhood where we 'learn by doing' and grow from real achievements.”

Kendall Q. '24, Head Prefect

The Gospel of Do!


Girls thrive on the "Gospel of Do," a philosophy that fosters genuine achievement. Grounded in the principles of growth with grace, this ethos inspires young women to pursue excellence while nurturing qualities of kindness and resilience. It envisions a future where success is not solely defined by accomplishments but also by their positive impact. Through this holistic approach, girls are empowered to navigate life's challenges with a unique blend of strength and grace, shaping a brighter and more promising future for themselves and the world around them.